
The detection of compressed air and gas leaks can be a challenge depending on the accessibility of the components. CS INSTRUMENTS therefore offers unique accessories for the LD 500/510 leak detector range to facilitate leak detection in difficult-to-access areas.

The gooseneck should be used when pipework and components to be inspected are physically in close proximity. In addition, the gooseneck is flexible and can be bend and adapted to inspect hard-to-reach pipes and components quickly.

The sensitivity of the gooseneck has been reduced to dampen noise. This makes it ideal for targeted, local testing of compressed air components at high noise levels, for example, in systems using pneumatic cylinders and in compressed air distribution cabinets.

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Quantification distance(distance) →0.05m

Use of gooseneck:

  • Short distance to pipe/component 0.05m
  • Leakage not freely accessible
  • Medium to high ultrasonic noise
  • Pipes and components to be inspected are in close proximity