LD 500/LD 510 leak detection devices
In addition to reliable Leak detection, our starter set for Leak detection also enables Leak calculation and reporting in accordance with ISO 50001 thanks to the integrated camera and the included accessories.
In industrialised countries, around 10 % of total industrial electricity consumption is used for Compressed air generation, in Germany the figure is as high as 14 %. Leakages are the main factor for energy loss, and most compressed air systems have Losses in the range of about 20 % to 40 %, in poor systems even more than 60 %. Eliminating Compressed air leaks is the most effective way to reduce Energy consumption. Compressed air leaks often waste energy 8760 hours (24 h x 365 d) a year and extend Compressor running times, which also shortens Maintenance intervals.
Compressed air leaks are found much faster with the UltraCam than with conventional leak detectors, making the process much more intuitive and easier. This is how it works: The UltraCam uses 30 digital MEMS, an FPGA and a processor for Calculation of the ultrasound map. The algorithm used is called beamforming. The LD 500 receives the data and automatically shows the user the superimposed image on the Display.
The search for leaks is a recurring marathon and not a one-off sprint. With its light weight (600 grams) and long battery life (7 hours) , the LD 500/510 is made to find compressed air leaks all day long. In addition, the holster supports the user as the weight does not have to be carried all the time and gives him an extra free hand if required.
Compressed air leaks must also be repaired in order to reduce Energy consumption. In order to prioritise and plan the repair, the information must be stored directly at the leak location. The LD saves:
The data from an audit with sometimes several hundred leaks can be managed locally or online with the Leak Reporter Software. With just a few clicks, automatic leakage reports (PDF, CSV) can be created containing all the important information about each leak and a cover sheet with a general overview.
The short answer is yes! You will need to update your LD's Software and we may need to replace the motherboard.
Please contact us directly for more information!
In addition to reliable Leak detection, our starter set for Leak detection also enables Leak calculation and reporting in accordance with ISO 50001 thanks to the integrated camera and the included accessories.
The CS Leak Reporter Cloud solution combines the functionalities of the CS Leak Reporter V2 with a browser-based cloud system.
Creation of detailed ISO 50001 reports. Provides an illustrated overview of the Leakages found and their savings potential.