Parabolic mirror

The search for Leakages can be problematic depending on the accessibility of the systems. We therefore offer special accessories for our LD 500/510 leak detection devices to make Leak detection easier, even in Compressed air and Gas systems that are difficult to access.

The Parabolic mirror bundles horizontally incident ultrasound in its focal point, where the ultrasonic transducer is located. On the one hand, this leads to a considerable amplification of the measured ultrasound (long range) and, on the other hand, to a very precise directional behaviour, as non-horizontally incident ultrasound is reflected from the reflector.

The combination of these two characteristics means that the Parabolic mirror can be used to precisely locate Leakages at large distances.

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Quantification function (distance): 3 - 15 m

Utilisation Parabolic mirror:

  • High distance to the line/components 3 - 15 m
  • Interference noise
  • Leak not freely accessible (behind a fence)
  • Leakages in close proximity (overlapping)