CS Leak Reporter V2 - reporting software for LD 500/510
Creation of detailed ISO 50001 reports. Provides an illustrated overview of the Leakages found and their savings potential.
For whom is the Cloud Solution the right solution?
Professional service provider:
You work for a service provider (Compressed air or pneumatic dealer or energy consultant) and offer your customers professional Leakages detection and repair. With the Cloud Solution, you can give your customers access to their respective data and coordinate your own employees.
Globally operating group:
You work for a company with several locations and want to compare or network them with each other. You can then map the group structure as a user structure and the individual locations can work independently of each other. However, it is still possible to generate cross-location users (controlling from HQ) or invite external service providers to the cloud, for example.
Test the CS Leak Reporter Cloud solution Software free of charge for 30 days
You can create automated Leakage reports for both applications with the Cloud solution in just a few clicks after you have imported the Leakage measuring device LD 500 or LD 510 documented Leakage data.
Creation of detailed ISO 50001 reports. Provides an illustrated overview of the Leakages found and their savings potential.
In addition to reliable Leak detection, our starter set for Leak detection also enables Leak calculation and reporting in accordance with ISO 50001 thanks to the integrated camera and the included accessories.
uses 30 MEMS microphones for the Calculation and visualisation of the ultrasound image. The device also makes inaudible ultrasound audible.