CS Soft Energy Analyzer

  • Used to analyse the Compressor (Power meter)
  • System analysis (current measurement and real Consumption meter)
  • Calculation of Leakages
The energy consumption of each individual Compressor is measured. The amount of compressed air produced is calculated by the Software using the Compressor performance data to be entered. Calculation also includes: Energy consumption in (kWh), load, idle and stop time, Compressor utilisation in %, number of load/unload cycles, specific output in kWh/m³, costs in m³. The system analysis has the same functionality as the Compressor analysis, but also offers the option of measuring the actual amount of compressed air produced or consumed using a Consumption sensor. The additional "real Consumption measurement" makes it possible to determine the Leakages and thus the cost share of the Leakages in the total costs in €. In the Leakage calculation, the real Delivery rate is measured with the Consumption sensor during the production-free time (downtime, weekends, holidays). During this time, the Compressor delivers Compressed air to maintain a constant Pressure. If production is running "around the clock", there is statistically at least one short period in which all Consumers are switched off. Based on this data, the Software determines a calculated leakage rate and calculates the leakage costs incurred in €.
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