VA 500 - Flow meter for compressed air and gases
RS 485 interface, Modbus RTU, 4...20 mA analogue output for m³/h, Pulse output for m³.
Oxidising gases are not flammable themselves, but they promote the combustion of other materials by supplying the necessary oxygen. Oxidising gases must never come into contact with Oil, grease or other organic material (even in very small quantities). Typical applications include ozone or oxygen generators.
The VA 500 Consumption sensor or VA 520 Flow sensor with special cleaning (oil and grease-free) can be used to measure the consumption and flow of oxidising gases such as oxygen or ozone.
During cleaning, all parts in contact with the medium are reliably cleaned of Oil and grease. After cleaning, the measuring devices are specially packaged and labelled.
This makes the VA 500 and VA 520 Consumption meters with special cleaning (oil and grease-free) the ideal solution for Flow and Consumption measurement of oxygen.